Thursday, August 17

It's 2346 now, but I came online to blog. I just need an outlet.

It's just like when I'm unhappy everything just seems to work against me. Like the little thing I wouldn't have minded not finding out. And Derrick. That was a real blow. Everything just happens so unexpectedly and suddenly, and it takes so long to realise that all this will need getting used to. It won't change, at least not in the near future. I just wish life would give me a breather. Everything's just happening too fast for comfort.

Prelims are around the corner. The tension is really setting in. The class is getting kind of on-edge and snappy. Everyone only has time for themselves now.

Or is it just me?

I can't wait for the prelims. Then O levels. I just can't wait for everything to be over, and I can leave temasek. Wherever I'm going, it won't matter. I wanna leave it all behind.

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